Recently I was speedrunning Narnia as a practice. In Level 1, I was using a shell code to spawn a shell (/bin/sh) , but upon obtaining the shell id wasn’t returning uid of next level’s user which was weird, as I was expecting to see uid of narnia2 instead of narnia1.


The clue was hidden in the source code of previous level’s challenge.


setreuid is used to set real uid (first argument) and effective uid (second argument) and in the above code, its setting them both as effective uid hence, I was able to get a shell as shell checks if Real UID is same as Effective UID and only then executes with privileges of Effective UID, else drops euid privileges. This is a new security measure by the shell itself.

Easy enough now I’d just have to update shell code to call setreuid(geteuid(), geteuid()) first and then obtain shell.